Dated: June 12, 2013
The City of Lewisburg, West Virginia is seeking quotes for the following:
1. Dump Truck new or used
2. 12-foot stainless steel dump bid
3. Diesel Engine - 330 hp. @ 2000 RPM, 2200 GOV RPM, 1000 LB/FT @ 1400 RPM (or better)
4. Allison 3500 RDS Automatic Transmission with PTO Provision.
5. RS-23-160. 23,000 # r-series single rear axle (or equivalent)
6. 23,000 # flat-leaf spring rear spuspension with helper and radius rod.
7. Jake Brake
Alternative specification from dealers or sellers will be considered if the following needs are met.
Truck must be able to pull 9,200-pound trailer rated for a 20 ton max payload, including 10 tons of material in the dump bid. Total payload 69,000 lbs. Truck must also be automatic transmission and have a 12-foot stainless steel dump bid. All used trucks must include total Hrs. and mileage in the quote.
Pleas call Mark Carver, Director of Public Works at 304-645-1833 or email with any questions.